Laboratory Services

At Bekesa Polyclinic, we understand the critical role that laboratory services play in diagnosing, monitoring, and treating medical conditions. That's why we're proud to offer state-of-the-art laboratory facilities staffed by skilled professionals dedicated to delivering accurate and timely results with the utmost care and precision.

Whether you're visiting us for routine testing, monitoring a chronic condition, or undergoing specialized diagnostics, you can trust Bekesa Polyclinic's laboratory services to deliver the highest standard of care, precision, and accuracy every step of the way.

Blood tests | Vipimo vya damu

  • HB | wingi wa damu - 4000Tsh
  • MRDT | kupima malaria - 2000Tsh
  • CBC - 10,000Tsh
  • ESR - 4000Tsh
  • Glucose - 3000Tsh
  • H-Pylori with blood serum - 10,000Tsh
  • Blood Group - 4000Tsh
  • RPR/VDRL - 4000Tsh
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Urine tests | vipimo vya mkojo

  • urinalysis - 3000Tsh
  • Urine pregnancy Test - 2000
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Stool analysis | Vipimo vya choo

  • H-Pylori with stool - 15,000Tsh
  • N/S stool - 2000Tsh
  • Iodine Eosin - 4000Tsh
  • Formal Ether conc - 4000Tsh
  • occult blood - 4000Tsh
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Available Payment Methods

We accept multiple forms of payments at our Facility.